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Updated: Apr 9, 2020

Spiritual awakening is when our true nature - the vastness and silence - the lived experience of the question - Who am I? - surfaces as us.

There is a changing of the guard and a spring of wellness - vastness -emptiness that is also a rich and all pervading fullness emerges.

Where there was once a fearful, constricted, suffering, separate individual there is now a great experience of oneness and love a vastness and beauty beyond description.

It can be a gradual process or an abrupt startling realisation or a combination.

Yet when I look back at this life there have been many times I have been that.

When one loses oneself in the majesty of nature or in making something, playing music, dancing or..................................................

It is not apart from us - it is us. We have all experienced this - we however give much more credit and credence to our personhood - our limited form of existence.

Personhood or limited ego identity springs back readily into place.

The physical body contracts, shoulders and jaw tighten and there we are a triggered, fearful, driven person protecting our sense of self.

When this bizarre, desperate and contracted caricature falls away there is such a sense of relief, hilarity and joy.

It is Grace that descends and shines her light through the vessel and consciousness. I feel the seeker - seeking for what always is - just here - can contribute to the remembering of their true self by removing a lot of noise of the person.

The person's noise in the form of protecting, pushing, manipulating, defending, rushing, avoiding, or exhausted, beaten, hopeless. Human consciousness in its most contracted form.

The progress of our spiritual awakening is vastly compromised by a nervous system stuck on a loop of fight/ flight/ freeze combinations. Our life is hijacked. Our evolution and involution is thwarted.

Beingness - always here waiting for the seeker to surrender to it.

Trauma, tension and stress release is a path to awakening. It is a worthwhile pursuit for pre-awakening to clear and lighten so the beingness can be remembered and allowed. to excel. During awakening to assist the process and to nurture an abiding awakening and post-awakening to deal with the clean up on the full circle back to humanity after transcendence.

There are many fruitful modalities to work with. TRE®, Shamanic Healing, SE Psychotherapy, Cranio Sacral, Massage - the list goes on. The healing journey is a path to awakening. Have you noticed how noisy some people can be even when they are keeping silence, the noise exuding off their person is cumbersome on the environment and those around them.

Some masters say, "Be Quiet". This task is made easier when the nervous system is in balance.- the mind automatically calms- we naturally arrive at a state of inner peace.

Trauma healing and healing the nervous system brings us to a calm, presence - the doorway to the absolute.

When we know we are something profound, limitless and universal it is much lighter to work on our humanity.

Lighter, still imperative.

Awakening is an ongoing journey, a human/divine journey.

My own journey has included much trauma and tension release and continues and is ongoing. What a blessed life to have this human incarnation to experience our divinity and our humaness - our divinity through our humanity.

Updated: Nov 3, 2018

The body, our vessel for consciousness; home to the senses, our instrument for experience, exploration, discovery and growth. The body reacts to so much; sights, and sounds, to touch, to pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow. To real and perceived threat. To every word ever spoken to it, to every thought listened to.

It is all held in the tissue and fascia. Our bodies hold a myriad of stories. It is a sensitive instrument, expanding into life one moment contracting from it in the next.

Being held in sacred healing space is monumental for the body and has profound effects on the down regulation of an over active nervous system. The benefits of hands on healing is a chance for the body to be heard, to be held and to be soothed. When the body can let go a little, we can leave aside a busy mind and come back to the breath. We can feel our body in the present moment, a time and space to meet your self. Being held in sacred healing space you give your self the opportunity to stop, listen, feel, meet, release, revitalise.

There is a life force that flows through the universe, this force can also flow through your body enlivening your very existence.

Can you feel this pulse of life coursing through your body?

Or does contraction, energetic blocks and a busy mind disturb this natural flow?

Healing it seems is an on going journey, releasing, letting go layer by layer. Contraction after contraction caused by wounding, physical and emotional; experienced by and held in the body. This so it seems is part of the human condition on earth at this time.

This part of our journey, the homecoming, the unwinding of hurt and contraction, the return to our true nature, can be met. For some it is best met in company in co-creation with someone to witness and hold space.

Can you make time and space for your body?

Is it time to listen to your body; to heal and transform?

Can you go to a hands on healer that you resonate with. Be held in sacred healing space. Can you have a massage and greet and honour yourself.

Even better go for a series of work.

If funds don't allow or you don't want touch. What could you do?

Pour yourself a bath and create your own sacred space. Swim in the ocean and wash off the dross. Lay on the warm sand, let the sun warm your bones. sit and notice your breath, dance or move. What can you do to acknowledge and tend your body?

Can you stop and choose something that revives your body and spirit?

If you don't already could you introduce one thing, once a week, designated time, space and activity for your body. See if life is different when you hear your body and do something to assist it.

Better to listen to a whisper than a scream.

When the contraction turns to expansion the life force can flow freely.

Life lived from this expanded experience is one of great and profound freedom.

Updated: Nov 21, 2018

Although ultimately we are not the body. There is a depth to who we are at our source, the body is included in this. I feel the body and particularly the nervous system could be the missing component to spiritual awakening.

This is the work of Awakening Through The Body. To release contraction, to balance our nervous system, to shake out story, to quiet the mind to reveal who we truly are.

What is holding us hostage?

Our nervous system can literally hijack our awareness and keep us in survival mode. Nervous system states of fight/flight and freeze are designed to protect our organism and in certain instances do just that. How incredible is the human body.

What can happen however is that these states of f/f/f get stuck on. When we are perfectly safe in the present moment our system can still be running on overdrive. We can feel anxious, aggressive and defensive or we can feel hopeless and shut down.

Our organism is behaving as if we are in constant danger. When the body is running like this it is impossible to be aware of our natural state, our beingness.

Our being or true nature is always here but is masked by our limited ego identity. When our physiology is yelling at us creating an intolerable screen of unmanageable smoke and mirrors, how to touch into, to feel our true nature.

We have all experienced time as being, those magical moments when we lose our selves. So this reality does exist. Nature is often a catalyst, it can stop us dead in our tracks. When nature is so breathtakingly magnificent and we align our SELVES to it. There is a feeling of oneness and connection that surpasses our limited stature as a separate entity. When the body relaxes a little, when we attune with our breath, to the magnificence of nature and our SELVES.

To unlock the hidden treasure that we are, we sometimes just need a mirror. One of these mirrors is nature and she down regulates our over active nervous system as she reveals her beauty.l

In these moments psychological mind and all its suffering is silenced, here there is only this, pure awareness that we are. You can start to tune in to your true presence, just walk out the door and take a look, even if you're in the city you can sit with a tree, a plant or look up to the great expanse that is the sky.

Welcome Home.

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