Two Day Non-Residential Workshop

An experiential weekend into the silence of being.
Working through the body with neurogenic tremors or movement, vocal toning, nature, silence, solitude, connection, meditation and chant.
Releasing, shaking off, shedding what we are not. Although we are ultimately not the body, the body is our tool for spiritual awakening. When we let go of contraction in the body we experience our true nature, life, awake and embodied.
“Personhood is contraction, our true nature, our Buddha nature is expansion.”
Experience movement to release contraction and leave
aside the busy mind. Drop into the body and dwell in the pleasure of movement and stillness.
Vocal toning is an active form of meditation, allowing sound to arise. Sound vibrations are felt within the entirety of the body and expand outwards. The vibrations are soothing and enlivening, balancing the nervous system. Toning produces calm mind and a relaxed state of being. It allows us to drop further into our SELF . It is not about the quality of your voice but experiencing the voice flowing through the system and centering our energy.
Nature is a reflection of our own perfection. We will spend time in nature, in silence, guided back home. “Nature softly cajoles one to oneness”.
Experience connection with our true nature in silent
connection, amplifying our experience of oneness.
“You and I are not we but one.”
Meher Baba
Allow the body to be guided through a rich, simple meditation to Let Go. We hold on so tightly, our ego identity full of push, fear and contraction. Experience letting go. You will be guided to scan the body and let go further and further into beingness. Feel the tissue of the body relaxing, just being, experience the simplicity of breath and relaxation.
“There is a relaxed, simplicity to truth”
Finish the day with kirtan. The chants wash out more of what we are not and fills us with the light of truth. The sacred language permeates and calls on the original one within.
“Kirtan is a form of purification and liberation. The mantras sensitize us, polish away the clutter in our heads and melt the numbness in our hearts, so we feel clear, awake and brilliantly alive.”
Sean Johnson
This is a two day experiential workshop, for those
looking for inner peace, joy and true SELF discovery.
Lunches and afternoon teas included. Bring Yoga or thicker mat, pillow, blanket and drink bottle.
Note; Neurogenic tremors will be performed by TRE® providers and those committed to a long-standing TRE® practice with the ability to self-regulate. Others will participate in conscious movement.
This workshop is not suitable for those with serious mental health issues.
“The spiritual journey does not consist in gaining what a person does not have, but in dissipation of ignorance concerning himself and life, and the growth of understanding which begins with spiritual awakening. To find God is to come to one’s own self.” – Avatar Meher Baba.
“No longer the person with its conditioning and history, here now there is only this and the overall feeling is “I don’t mind.” No fear, no push, a great emptiness that is also a rich and all-pervading fullness. Here there is silence, peace and an exquisite sense of joy. Here it feels so light there is no distance, ‘marinating in the self.’ It is as if nothing is happening here, yet happening graciously unfolds.
To look back at the dream, the necessary mistaken identity, it seemed like so much happened. Personhood was such psychological suffering. Separation, a feverish, fearful struggle, always restless, dissatisfied, looking outside for love and fulfillment. Now peace, and love reside here.
I have spent thirty years with Avatar Meher Baba in deep devotion. Baba has administered his kiss and his kick, expertly unraveling the ego identity. Longing for the truth and with nothing more to express in this life, I knew I was going to die, not sure if it was the body or the ego, I completely surrendered.
Shortly after, whilst watching Mooji on the net, he pointed, and I said with total conviction, “I am That”. In that recognition I hysterically and uncontrollably laughed for hours. When I could hardly breathe from the laughter and I asked God to help me, the laughter only escalated. The funniest thing, the divine joke was that I knew I had always been that.
I love Meher Baba and Mooji – the brightest reflections of the true self I know. It is quiet here as I experience the bliss and love of the self.”